Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Great Weekend

Timing is everything is all you need to know.
While you are out shopping timing is still everything-
it is a game of inches. Big trucks make
the milk shudder in the jug. Big whoop.
The lace on your fatigues was set ablaze.
All the apples kinked up
(little faces with cloves stuck in them).
I constructed a surprise sunset from tinfoil and old magazines-
but you didn't notice. Further, a jar of marmalade went
bad with black mold. It was raining by the time
you came home and got arrested. The water
wouldn't support your body
so we tethered hooks to your hips
and swung you around like an acrobat.
You said you were sick of my shit.
There we were, all three of us: William, Charlie,
and me. It's good you're here. When you fell
asleep I wrote something on your forehead
backwards so you could read it
in the mirror. I hope you'll be around
next weekend.


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